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- Est. 1992 -
Ophidia Americana

"Pale Ale" Rootbeer Corn Snakes
Pantherophis guttatus X P.intermontana
Multi Het Project

subadult anerythristic hypomelanistic

Hatchlings at one week of age exhibiting, hypo, striped, anery, sunkissed and diffused traits



striped male at 4 weeks of age

2 month old anerythristic hypomelanistic

8 month old male

13 month old male

13 month old male

1 month old

12 month old anery

12 month old anery

12 month old anery

yearling anery diffused

subadult anerythristic hypomelanistic

yearling male

8 month old striped male

8 month old striped male

5 week old striped anery hypo female

5 week old striped anery hypo female
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